Covid-19 Response
At the onset of Covid-19 pandemic, U-Learn pivoted to support Uganda Ministry of Health Covid-19 response. This work is largely complete. Below is a snapshot of our support to the Covid-19 response in Uganda.

At the onset of Covid-19 pandemic, U-Learn pivoted to support Uganda Ministry of Health Covid-19 response. This work is largely complete. Below is a snapshot of our support to the Covid-19 response in Uganda.
U-Learn supported the Ministry of Health (MoH) to design a single user-friendly web platform to increase access to information and improve high-level decision making. The platform pulls together key resources (local, national and global), statistical analysis, situation reports, government announcements, best practices and cross-sector guidance. It acts as a library for information and risk communication materials, and tracks response activities.
For more information visit: https://covid19.gou.go.ug/
U-Learn helped fill critical information gaps by conducting assessments and developing a partner activity mapping.
Developed on behalf of the MoH, the dashboard provides 4Ws information (who, what, where, when) on actor presence and programmatic focus to support enhanced coordination and decision-making under each pillar and across the Covid-19 response. It is available on the MoH Response Info Hub.
For more information visit https://covid19.gou.go.ug/partner.html
Misinformation and rumours can undermine humanitarian responses, create suffering or anger, and provoke detrimental behaviors or violent reactions.
U-Learn supported the set-up and implementation of a new inter-agency Rumour Tracker to record, verify and fast-check rumours in communities and counter with accurate information as required, through a range of channels such as local media, community leaders and word of mouth.
Find all covid rumour bulletins here
In collaboration with the Cash Working Group’s Market Analysis Task Force, U-Learn supported market monitoring to understand the impact of Covid-19 on commodity prices and functionality of markets in refugee com-munities. The market monitoring provides timely information to actors implementing cash programming across the refugee response.
Find all Market Monitors here