Do you need Learning Support?

Our Tailored Evidence and Learning Service (TELS)
is here to assist you!

What is TELS?

Are you delivering, supporting, or planning to support emergency and resilience activities for refugees in Uganda? Do you need a quick summary of the latest research within the Uganda refugee response? Do you want to bring key actors together to learn from each other? Or do you need an engaging visualisation of a critical resource?

The Tailored Evidence and Learning Service (TELS) is a free service provided by U- Learn; it is designed to support response stakeholders with cross-sectoral learning to increase the use of evidence and good practices in the Uganda refugee response.

Thematic focus

The TELS supports learning and evidence requests concerning the following themes: Self-Reliance, Climate, Participation, and the Humanitarian-Development Nexus. (See the Learning Agenda in the illustration below this page)

How to request services from TELS

Refugee response actors can request services from TELS using the online application form available at the bottom of this page

Who can request support from TELS?

All refugee response actors working in Uganda, including:
a) Government Actors
b) INGOs
c) UN Agencies
d) National NGOs
e) Private Sector Actors
f) Innovators
g) Faith-based Organisations
h) Refugee Led Organisations
i) Academic Institutions

Thematic Scope

Contribute to self-reliance and nexus programming in protracted crisis


  • Asset 3livelihoods
    Sustainable Livelihoods
    Private Sector Engagement (PSE)
  • Asset 1FINANCIAL
    Financial Inclusion

Climate & Environment

  • KAMAsset 2energy
  • KAMAsset 1land
  • KAMAsset 1climate
    Climate Adaptive Programming


  • Asset 2accountable
    Accountability (AAP)
  • Asset 4localistation

Humanitarian Development Nexus

  • Asset 2integrated response
    Integrated Response
  • KAMAsset 1market
    Market System Development (MSD)

This program is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).


    1. Resource Curation: Bring together and select the most relevant existing knowledge and evidence.
      E.g.: annotated bibliographies and analytical summaries.
    2. Documentation & Research: Capture and systematically document recent experiences and innovations of key actors from the Ugandan context.
      E.g.: Good practice studies, case studies, and discussion papers.
    3. Synthesis & Summaries: Make existing evidence and knowledge more accessible and actionable.
      E.g.: Short briefs, fact sheets, visuals, communication style products such as blogs or articles.
    4. Convene: Bring actors together in face-to-face or online events to facilitate peer-learning. E.g.: round-tables, learning consultations, learning discussions, or dissemination events. Services are subject to the availability of resources at the time of the request.
View TELS Terms of Reference