About U-Learn

Evidence in Practice

U-Learn provides dedicated support to the Uganda refugee response community

U-Learn is designed to promote improved outcomes for refugees and host communities in Uganda. In collaboration with government and a wide range of stakeholders, U-Learn focuses on facilitating learning, conducting assessments, and amplifying refugee voice and choice.
U-Learn is an NGO consortium delivered by Response Innovation Lab (hosted by Save the Children), International Rescue Committee, and IMPACT Initiatives, and is principally funded by UKaid.

Learning Hub

Facilitating cross-sectoral learning and encouraging uptake of key evidence amongst refugee response actors.

Learning Hub

Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP)

Empowering refugees and host communities to make their voices count all levels of refugee response planning.

Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP)


Conducting in-depth assessments to fill critical knowledge gaps in the refugee response.

actor mapping

Settlement-Level Actor Mapping (SLAM)

In order to facilitate collaboration between national-level and settlement-level stakeholders, U-Learn maps actors that operate in refugee settlements across Uganda, and makes the information publicly available

Uganda Skilling Exchange
actor mapping

Uganda Skilling Exchange (USE)

The Uganda Response Innovation Lab (U-RIL) is an interactive tool to bridge the skills gap in refugee and host communities in Uganda. A multitude of skilling programmes exist, but they’re scattered, information about them is not readily accessible, and there is limited coordination which contributes to a persistent skills gap. USE provides a central hub where organizations can share their information and where those looking to upskill can access opportunities, filtered by location.

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Refugee Response Climate and Energy Actor Mapping Sector

Actors involved in the Climate and Energy Response within Uganda refugee context

The Climate and Energy Actor mapping highlights organizations supporting climate resilience in Uganda’s refugee response, fostering collaboration and connecting stakeholders to improve environmental efforts in refugee settlements.

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Refugee Response Community


Refugee Response Community

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U-Learn is a consortium funded by UKAID and delivered in Uganda by the Response Innovation Lab (hosted by Save the Children) with IMPACT Initiatives and the International Rescue Committee.