21 Feb Settlement-level CVA infographics
*Updated February 2023
We created each of the 13 refugee settlements CVA infographics. They pull together multiple sources of data:
- Assessment of Financial Service Providers: Cash and Voucher Assistance in Uganda (REACH) November 2021 – https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/8aa83b71/UGA2103-Assessment-of-FSPs-CVA-in-Uganda.pdf
- Financial Services in the Uganda Refugee Response: An Assessment Of User Perspectives (U-Learn) February 2022 – https://ulearn-uganda.orgfinancial-services-in-the-uganda-refugee-response/
- Uganda Cash Working Group
The infographics were presented at the Cash Working Group CVA harmonisation workshop in Kampala on February 24th to both in-person and online participants who were invited to complete the information. Following the workshop consultation, the infographics were sent to settlements to complete information on missing FSPs and delivery modalities in use.
The infographics were finalized in mid-March 2022 and shared with CVA practitioners around Uganda.
Contact for comments or additions: eunice.mwende@wfp.org and info@ulearn-uganda.org
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